Click 'Config' button for Apache and select the 'PHP (php.ini)'.Double-click C:/xampp/xampp-control, then click 'stop' for apache.

Double-click C:/xampp/xampp-control, then click 'start' for mysql and apache.Then click 'start' for Apache and MySQL.Right-click on C:/xampp/xampp-control and select 'Run as administrator'.Choose to extract to 'C:' (extracting to C: is required).Right click downloaded file and select 'Extract All.'.Install OpenEMR Option 1: Installation as service This XAMPP package is extremely unsecure after installation and you need to secure it with configuration of the Security Console. The second set of instructions will install XAMPP in a way so that the user is required to start/stop the apache and mysql servers manually (do not start automatically at start up). The first set of instructions will configure mysql and apache as services (this is what we recommend). The 5.0.0 version includes OpenEMR 5.0.0 and XAMPP version 5.6.20. Overview This is an already configured OpenEMR with XAMPP on Windows, and is extremely simple to install. 9 Important passwords and database information.6 Meaningful Use 2 Specific Instructions.5 Download and install most recent patch.2.2 Option 2: Installation not as service.